For almost ten years, I have worked on the mind, body, and soul levels as a psychic, medium, and healer with clients from all walks of life and with a variety of issues, including severe childhood trauma, existential crises, low self-esteem, relationship difficulties, physical pain, and long-term medical conditions.
When I work with people, I use a compassionate approach, following the concepts of Universal Love and Spirit. Additionally, I have extensive experience working with people who are embarking on a life-changing spiritual awakening journey, whether it is via profound meditation, overcoming extremely difficult circumstances, or navigating the depths of a dark night of the soul. It's normal to feel uneasy, disoriented, or bewildered following such experiences, and you could find it helpful to get direction in life, grounding, energy clearing, and a safe, encouraging environment.

In addition to bringing up unresolved traumas and ingrained phobias, awakening can lead to tension, discord, and conflict in close relationships. I can help you get through such obstacles.Having gone through a protracted period of awakening and confusion myself, I am able to help you discover your inner strength, find comfort in the midst of chaos, and emerge from the dark depths of your soul with a renewed sense of purpose and clarity. I do this by using my intuitive understanding and compassionate presence.