It is my responsibility to help you through this process of integration, change, and realignment.
You learn through this process what needs to change in order to create balance and harmony in your life. The goal of this voyage is to rediscover your true self.
It works wonders in clearing out discordant energy from the physical body, aura, and chakras; clearing any blockages; healing and integrating former lives and parallel lifetimes; realigning your subtle bodies; and offering direction and insights.
While you maintain your composure and serenity, the majority of this work will occur in the unconscious regions of your mind. In the days after a session, the energies keep working profoundly within our system, adjusting, rearranging, and changing it.
Occasionally, in order to facilitate the transformation process and successfully remove obstacles from your energy consciousness system, we will examine your attitudes and beliefs.
In your self-initiated process of healing and transformation, I offer to be a facilitator.